Instagram stealing influencers from Snapchat

Hey guys.

I saw this article and I was wondering about how long will Snapchat be alive. :smiley:
What do you think? It seems like more and more bots and spammy people using it while “real” people are going away to another platforms.


Snapchat has for a long time been used for UserToUser communication and adult .

Was it ever in the “influencer” market at all?


A lot of Youtuber and young online “stars” had/have Snapchat accounts, I would say them as influencers.
One thing is sure: they will have hard days because a bigger fish (IG/FB) started copying them with much bigger success.


Yes, instagram stories have place to kick snapchat.


I think snapchat will be around for a while, however it is good to point out that IG/FB is basically copying the core of Snapchat which is disappearing photos/videos/messages. If snapchat is able to innovate faster than IG can copy it then they are good. If not RIP snapchat. I say that because IG is arguably the hottest social media platform available right now. Facebook has more users, but if we’re looking at how fast each social media platform is growing then IG is up there. There are also more and more “influencers” using IG because it’s an easy platform to gain a following and make money. I’ve seen many cases where people created a career on IG and spread it to other platforms. I haven’t seen it happen on snapchat yet. Who knows? Only time can tell

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Any MPers actually use Snapchat?

Yes, weprometheus