Instagram to test Hiding USA Likes next week

Follower count and comments are going to be a big deal now.

If people are on the fence about following you, likes on posts were a massive factor of social proof. It made people think, “oh, this account is important. Their posts gets lots of likes. I should follow them and join the party.”

Now what? If people see an account, they only have comment engagement and follow count to go by.

I’ll say this. It’s probably better as a whole for people to make up their own mind and not follow the crowd. Also, we’ll have to rely on QUALITY content to really stand out. There are positives and negatives here. We’ll see how this goes.

Uh, really?


I see this killing the platform. People aren’t addicted to checking what’s going on in others lives. They’re addicted to comparing themselves to those people. How do they compare? Likes…

I’m going to buy 1m followers for a new account and see how long it takes me to get a brand to bite…


you will lose that 1 mil faster than you will gain em with IG purging fakes

They really want to kill panels is how I see it.

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I don’t see this working that well. People love likes. That’s basically what Instagram is based around. Sharing your pics or videos and showcasing how many likes you get on each one. This is what makes Facebook, Twitter, Insta, so popular.

This is worse for regular users and better for brands/spamming.


People loves likes? who? IG is not based around likes only, so I think the positive side is that people now will decide to like or not a post based on the content, so time to push even harder on content quality and post what people want to see.

If this is the end of fake likes, welcome! The business will decrease for those selling but will remain some users buying them to inflate the reach maybe…

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Yep they do. Dont you like when your IG posts get a lot of engagement and likes?

Whats a post without likes on it? Just an empty picture or video post without any engagement on it.

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You are confusing what the posting accounts wants to see, as owner you will see your likes, and what followers or non-followers want to see in a post. If you post good content nobody will check if you have 1 like o 10K i=likes, if that was the case as soon you post nobody would like a post right?

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but now people will just keep scrolling and you will get less likes than you used to be. Instagram will become like an ART Gallery where people they can only see/watch pictures/videos.


so you think that the number of likes displayed makes the people scroll less?
We spent a good week observing what real users do in IG, we were able to see how extremely fast the scroll and only if something calls their attention they stop for a fraction of second and there they decide what to do…like, comment, etc, go to that profile or just ignore it. We couldn’t find so far anyone stopping due to the number of likes only, but anyway we know that people takes into consideration the magic number :wink:

Note: we used a 100 users sample group. and we recorded their screens for a period of time.


i said users will scroll more and like less.
Take for example youtube video with hidden likes & dislikes, what action people take when they’re watching a video with hidden likes & dislikes ? mostly they will ignore it and go to the comments section and some of them will hit the dislike button.
That’s what is gonna happen with instagram, ithink since likes will be hidden people will be more active in comments and section comments will get more likes, rarely where people will like picture/video.

100 users wont give you the accurate activities for 1 billion monthly active users. why do you think instagram was testing this feature in some areas ? they could have just gathered couple of thousands of people and do theire tests and release it to the public.

soon instagram will hide its app as well


I cannot explain you on how many users we do our testings, this was just an example.
And nothing near 1 billion real users my friend :slight_smile: good evening.

how many times do you see something, go to the profile, get out and keep on scrolling without pressing like? how many times do ya just go into your account to see how your doing, scroll – do the dm’s replies and get out? there is more to insta just likes – actually using it is more important. Thats what gets followers and sales – with or without likes.


Agree I don’t even see the purpose of this.

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Yes please :grin:

Maybe next year they will hide the entire app.
Scenario 1
Business: Hey we’ll pay you $200 for ad.
Me: $500 for an ad
Business: But you only have 200k followers.
Me: I’m averaging 15k likes per post. shows photoshopped image
Instagram: Sorry only vip business accounts can see an influencers likes for a small fee of $99

The amount of people that think likes are a proof of legitimacy of the account’s followers is disturbing.

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it’s what they read and been told … that’s why