Instagram Verification Scam Site:getinstaverified

I knew it was a scam the moment i saw the prices. I have got several accounts verified by several sellers and i know the prices. This website is not even charging 5% of what the normal charges are. Nut surprisingly its been running for so long, Out of curiosity or Stupidity i gave it a try.
And, i became 200$ poorer after that.

getinstaverified dot com ( Scam Confirmed)

Thanks @XDAgency for those informations and I am sorry you’ve got scammed…

No worries & Thanks .

if you knew its seem like a scam than don’t put more investment in these type of websites
this is for all of us not put big investment in any type of firm in starting
and thanks for updating
sorry for your loss

thanks @XDAgency for letting us know of this

Im so sorry for your loss, i hope you will get your money back.
Fuck that scammers

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Thats fine. I got my accounts verified for Legit sellers. It was just a lucky shot at 200$


There are a several more sites like this, and now a days Several fake Media Portal sites are also there.
Please do your due-diligence with them.

i hate scammers. I’ve also heard a lot of people are losing there badges after