InstaN00B Reporting For Duty ;)

I have only been a part of the MP family for approximately 12 hours, lol, and figured there’s no time like the present to introduce myself.

I am, as the subject demonstrates, an Instagram N00B, having spent the last couple months procrastinating about if I wanted to give social media a crack promoting CPA offers. I little about me…

I have been doing local SEO for about 4 years now and have built up a decent pool of clients here at home. Social media is always one of the features in my SEO strategy but never used it for the sole purpose of CPA marketing. Mid 2016 my business started to level out (become profitable) and I decided I wanted to branch off a little and add a few affiliate SEO projects to the portfolio. That’s worked out to be a great approach and certainly helps fills the coffers each month.

Anyway, I’m here to learn and share with you all. My current set up is 10 aged IG accounts (obviously set up in MP ;)) with private proxies. I haven’t decided on any products or niches just yet as I am taking it slow with the verification and profiling, next steps will be warm up and then grow the accounts. I have already noted there are several threads here on “How To” so won’t bother asking questions just yet, I like to do the leg work first :muscle:

Looking forward to the curve and connecting with the community.




Nice intro! Welcome to the forum!

Cheers mate :wink:

Welcome! I’m sure you’ll find tons of great information on this forum :slight_smile:

Welcome! Have fun discovering MP’s functionalities. I signed up 6 weeks ago and I still spend my nights reading and most of learning here :grinning:

Good luck with your CPA plans!

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Thanks ardmt17, look forward to it

Awesome Marie, lol… I spend few nights doing anything but research so I know the feeling :wink:

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Welcome to mpsocial @LocalSEO, nice introduction :star2: Good luck with your CPA journey.

I moved the thread to the Introductions section as it wasn’t in the right section.

Welcome to the community @LocalSEO , that part with doing the leg work is what everyone on this forum wants to see :slight_smile: so good job, you’ll fit right in :wink:

ha ha ha cheers @Said for shifting the thread :sweat_smile: couldn’t quite figure out which was the best to post in. Now I know :wink:

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Yea thank’s @Johnny - there’s no better substitute for getting stuck into data mining and implementation when learning a new skill :wink:

Cheers Mate


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