Investment suggestion

read about it and educate yourself first though. don’t invest more than you can lose, etc. etc.

Why not, is that the reason why you’re an ex-investmet manager? Cause you fucked up when bitcoin came up? It’s growing fast as fuck

Not sure what country you are in but here in the UK the possibilities are endless…

  • Crowdfunding (I’m invested in property)
  • P2P (Peer to Peer) Lending (I almost have 5 figs @8% ROIC: Return On Invested Capital. Nothing spectacular but it’s completely hands off :sunglasses:)
  • Stock Options (Learnt about it but was too heavy for me)
  • Buy a share in the FTSE (Open a brokerage account and buy an index rather than having to learn about a particular company, though returns are slightly lower)
  • Matched Betting

Some aren’t really investments and are more of a gamble but I’ve given a broad range which will hopefully allow you to think of some alternate investments yourself :slight_smile:

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i´m tempted with

Also … i know i will be smashed for this, but… venezuela is launching a new crypto, the thing is this one would be backed with their oil reserves (wich are the biggest one in the world… you can check it)


If you invest in something

Something shitty can be nice later…


From my experience with property, it’s very illiquid especially when doing it with loads of other people. But saying that if you’re not worried about your money being tied in then it’s not a problem.

I had a brief look at the website and couldn’t see the term duration, your cash will be tied in for the full term unless you can sell in on the secondary market to another investor - probably need to sell your share for a discount to actually get someone interested.

Also, the HPI looks good on there but CACG: Compounded Annual Capital Growth is just speculation (to an extent) and I wouldn’t invest purely on that… For me personally, I try to get a higher rental yield due to cash flow reasons.


As a ex investment manager you should know if you invested in BTC 10K you where a millionaire now…

And if you check the stats it’s never to late.

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I just Bought 1k $ in IOTA ! I know shit about stuff like that, but all the big brands that are put their trust in that stuff… probably will be worth 386$ next year! In total;)

Warren Buffet said:“If you bet on America you will always win, IN THE LONG RUN!”

If you have money that you can hold in the stock market for 25-35 years invest in things that have been here for a long time and always will, if you look back 30 years you’ll see that the american(almost every market hence economy) grew. Not a lot, but it did.

If you don’t take it out for the next 30 years you will win. Diversify and you will have a return of about 2-4% every year which adds up over time. You can also add stock when economy is down if you have enough on the side…which will benefit you even more. Because in the long run it will go, period.

Sorry but this is Hilarious! Made me laugh :joy:


Ok, a serious one.

10 vps, 10 x 500 plan, 5000 accounts growing in top 10 populair niches. Sell all accounts when they reach 10k followers. 99% guaranteed your money x 6 in 6 months


Buy some established Instagram accounts ($10/1000 followers on average), re-brand them in a professional manner, reach out to brands in your niche and work out some sponsorship deals, repeat.

Think about it. If you buy an Instagram account with 50000 followers for $500, then you reach out to 3 people/brands and charge them $50 per. week or $200 per. month each for 1 post per. week, you’ll earn $600 = $100 profit. Now do this over the span of 3 months, you’ll earn $1300 profit over the span of 3 months for literally uploading pictures to Instagram.

1 year = $6700 profit from a $500 investment.

Just an idea.


I think Litecoin/ethereum will be big in the coming year(s) I will buy again if it dips under 100. same for ethereum at 400

Key phrase “I think”

Bitcoin Futures will be available from sunday, FYI

I would suggest in buying some bitcoins , buy some bitconnect and lend your bitconnects there, you will gain roughly 0.5-1% per day, which translates to 25%-30% per month.

Draw back is that your initial capital is being held for 299 days, however in just about 3 months you will get back what you initially invested. If you re-invest your gain you will gain so much more from it.

I’ve been in it for 1.5 year and thus far enjoying the profits. Now I don’t know till when it will last, I assume that it won’t be this way forever, however I am enjoying the party while it still lasts