Is it really possible to target only people of usa and canada with jarvee

anyone help pls i want only target people of usa and canada and europe how can i do that with jarvee and is it really possible to do that

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Sure, use local sources/accounts as target.

no its not


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For example: You can target people who tagged a local gym. This means there are living there and are doing healthy activities.


  • Local Hashtags
  • Citys
  • Streets
  • Shops
  • Influencers

Yes, is not accurated as 100% but its doable. Please take a look to search:

Good luck! :grinning:

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Use the search function.


how pls can you explain ols

Your best bet would be good follow sources or locations (in my opinion). But many roads lead to Rome :slight_smile:


I had an idea to scrape accounts that posted in a certain radius in their latest posts, but it requires 3rd party scraping solution and not everyone post with location…

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You also get a lot of travelers and tourists (depending on location).


There are quite a few ways to do this, but as @henrycooper says, there are a lot of tourists and (one-time) travelers caught up in the mix.

A few “sources” to use:

  • Local hashtags (e.g. #londonpub)
  • Locations (use IG’s directory to have a base)
  • IG pages that you know are local (e.g. business, influencers,…)

You could then scrape all the users & followers, and count how many times they appear on multiple locations, or follow multiple local IG pages etc. Higher count => higher chance of actually being local.

Hope it helps!

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Yeah, depending on how fine the filtering you want you would probably want to avoid the big city tags, like New York or London. People who are tourists would most excitedly tag themselves there, rather than a local. But lots of locals would tag the local restaurants, entertainment precincts, venues, etc.

You can also combine the two to get a blend of niche targeting and in the location you want. E.g. if you want people who like burgers in New York you can use all other New York burger joints and restaurants as sources.

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As I know, Follow by locations is the best way.

My experiences with targeting by location are bad. You need a lot of sources/locations, which takes a long time to scrape. And if you do this in a city like Amsterdam half of the people are tourists.

I have 1 client who owns a souvenir shop in Amsterdam. I target locations for him, mainly tourist attractions. They are clients already for more than a year, so it seems to work for them.

But overall I do not like targeting by location.


You could use location hashtags to target as well.