Is My Competitor Buying Fake Followers?

I’m a bit bewildered by these follower gains and was wondering if anyone could tell me how to tell if these gains were real or not. It’s possible they somehow are real, but I’d love to really have a way of knowing. What do y’all think? (To give an idea, they have about 36k followers in total as of now)

Why would this not be real? Looks pretty normal to me.

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Just much higher growth than us while both of our companies are employing a very similar strategy, so it has me confused. But they do have more accounts it seems tagging their main account in comments so definitely reason there. That being said, we’re manually performing actions… I haven’t touched automation in a while. Are things back up and running in that world…? JV…? Anything…?

message him from a fake profile? buying fake followers no longer works :slight_smile:

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Readup on M/S Mother Slave method then you will understand how he does it.

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Where can I find the best place to read up on this? I have a general idea of scraping with slave accounts and what not but would definitely like a deeper insight into the method and idea

Or are you simply referring to the method of comment refers to a main account by a bunch of side accounts? Definitely familiar there!

you found it already its here :wink: I suggest giving the search function a try Unbenannt

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Anyone familiar with the risk of tagging mother account in every single comment? Let’s say I have an account dropping 200 comments a day, between 25 unique comments… Will IG start to block me if I tag the mother in every single one of those comments…? Should I maybe just stick to half of those having tags? Obviously the follower increase is way better when every one is tagging.

yes i assume he has more “slave accounts” doing FUF thats where his growth comes from. There are different ways you can drive traffic from so called “slave accounts” to your main account.

depends on so many things. best is to test it with one account and start small and raise the numbers.

As it seems they are solely employing comments with tags

Not everything he does is visible to you. Maybe he is also sending DM mentioning the main to new followers on his slave accounts.


Basic m/s :slight_smile: You can’t know if he is doing that or not!

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you could follow one of his slaves

If you find one which you won’t unless he’s using fan pages :slight_smile:

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he said

i would just follow those accounts.

DM’d you! @StayStyled

If he’s using fake followers the follower numbers should fall out in the next few weeks when IG “clean wave” starts again. For what it looks like he’s doing Mother/Slave which means he’s redirecting the traffic that he gets on the slave accounts (which can be fan or niche-related) and redirects them (like you have stated) to the mother account which is your competitor. It’s one of the best methods to grow and make sure you have a quality and most likely engaging audience.
Doesn’t really look like it’s natural (without using any growth strategy in specific) since the followers gains are so close everyday

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My partners Instagram account was growing at a rate of 1k+ per day organically (no automation). Currently it’s around the same as the image above, sometimes less (on rare occasions in negative).