I have had issues in the past with posting. But have so many accounts now and doing it manually is so much work.
I have started up a campaign and within a few hours I had a failed post attempt and a captcha but not sure if they were linked and jarvee gives no info of why the post failed.
Need more details?
Settings, delays, type of campaign, different posts across accs or same one, etc.
You have something wrong settings or something because posting is the only thing I almost never had issues(except the time when we had to post images as video).
I think my issues in the past was posting on 4g proxies that don’t rotate. This was about a year ago. I haven’t really used it since. Just done it manually.
Atm I’m setting up a campaign to make a post for each account on a given proxy with big limits between.
I don’t think many errors occur with accounts not on the same proxy.
My post is to see if I’m making a good choice in using jv to post as I have heard some people also have had accounts linked though posting.
I have 8 client accounts that I only post daily for on a single 4g, they had all kinds of IPs during the years. Never had issues. Though all of them have separate campaigns.
I had issues in the past with captchas but that was because the same post went out on all accounts in the campaign. Even with different caption/hashtag mixes.
Yeah im running campaigns of 10 accounts across 250 accounts in total on one of my jarvees. But probably have them only do 2-3 a week posts. Atm im just testing on a few to see what happens.