Is the Mother-child Method Works Yet on Instagram?

there is no need to get 4G proxies for scrapers they are disposable you can use DC proxies for them however child accounts and mains require 4G proxies to keep them intact and safe.

the scrapers do all the dirty work so that the main account stay safe, by dirty work I mean API calls because that what causes issues and blocks on the main accounts

sorry to bring an old thread back but wanted to ask for you guys doing m/s whats your average follow back ratio?? I have 10 accounts running about 50 follows and my return is only about 2-5 new followers a day back to mother

Trying to see if this is all worth the work

mine is 10-20 to the mother with 100 follows per child

It really depends on your client account. Results vary so much that it can be from x1 to x10 FBR

Niche, account quality and DM sample, mostly

Ramped it down for 2 weeks now, just testing until JV update (api).

How are you guys even reach 50 follows a day? Dont you guys getting sticky temp blocks? Do you use EB or API? I keep getting sticky temp blocks now both EB and API. Sad

How are you guys even reach 50 follows a day? Dont you guys getting sticky temp blocks? Do you use EB or API? I keep getting sticky temp blocks now both EB and API. Sad.

Nice how many childs??

all run manually on phones, not a single issue on blocks for the past 2-3 year

10 child acct

Oh did you hire someone to run manually or just by yourself on multiple phones?

i run a team of people doing so

how many child accounts do you have per phone bro?

Is anyone offering this as a service? Send your @

Could you recommend someone to run MC at scale?

think the only one still going hard on it is denis. can not share the @ here, sorry.
you will find him anyway. there might be some other good people onboarding clients, not to my knowledge tho
good luck for the journey

gotcha. Thank you for the tip