J. Upcoming Update - Posted

I got an email from J. like this.


I have several updates for you today, however since the IG
users have been the most impacted by all the changes
Instagram is making lately let me start with that.

Instagram seems to be on a war path with automation, they’ve
never made so many changes one after the other like during the past
months, and they don’t seem to be slowing down.

What you need to know is that we haven’t given up though,
not by far ! We’re working hard to solve all these problems
coming from them so you can continue doing IG marketing without
all these blocks and verification issues.

We’re currently implementing two different solutions that should
help a lot.

First, we’re addressing something that they publicly stated, that
they are monitoring device operations such as whether a window is
foregrounded or backgrounded, or mouse movements in order to
distinguish humans from bots. We’re adding all of that so it all
looks perfectly natural.

Secondly, and most important we are working at the api level to
reduce the action blocks and verifications. We’re adding more
api calls and solving some of the checks that IG makes to see
that everything is in order.

We envision this work to take around 2 - 3 weeks to finish.
We know that you are under a lot of pressure right now, but
hopefully you will bear with us until we make this work.
Our promise to you is that we’re doing our best to solve this
and we won’t stop until we do!

As for the rest of you, not using only Instagram, we haven’t
forgotten about you or put you on hold, as can be seen from
all the latest features we’ve added:

  • a new tool for Facebook - “search and add friends”

  • we’ve added a lot of new “how it works” links inside Jarvee
    with in-depth tutorials as how to use everything

  • we’ve improved the process of detecting and deleting duplicate
    images within campaigns

  • new tokens to produce more dynamic content - [MONDAY=start of
    the week] * adds the text only if it is a Monday when publishing

  • a new tool for Linkedin - “search and contact” that can send messages
    even to premium contacts

  • for Linkedin we’ve added support for business showcase pages and also
    and unfollow tool.

  • for watermarks we’ve added more options like random positions and even
    secondary watermarks

  • Failed Csv import will now show info about the exact issues

  • Added the option to schedule a post in Pinterest using a token

  • For Twitter we’ve updated all tools to work with the new Twitter

These are just the most important ones, there are a lot more
smaller ones with each update. You can check them all in the
“What’s new tab”

As always, should you have any questions, need help with anything
or just want to say thank you, we’re here for you!


  • I think with this update everything goes well. Cause according to update they are working on even mouse movements too. What do you think?

Already been posted man. Also your not allowed to say program names here.

Sorry i didnt see. And i didnt know about the rule :frowning:

We can say jarvee

we can or not? :smiley:

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As I understand the rules, we are allowed to say it


Personally, people sticking with saying J keeps us even more under the radar with google searches, in addition to everyone on this forum knows what J refers to. I dont see any harm in just saying J


I don’t know about you guys but I’m having a tough time not smiling enormously. These J guys are fighters. Love it.

Raise your prices a little Jarvee and knock it out of the park.


Of course Jarvee is allowed.

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It’s tough to figure out what J is.


I believe in you.

comon guys go by J or JV, I know its not much but just a little bit helps keeps things lowkey

This is INSANE, it’s like weeding someone off drugs buy giving them even more drugs…:face_with_symbols_over_mouth:


Is it necessary to post their next move/updates on a public forum regardless if names are mentioned or not. They are already sending this email to their customers.


I dont know if it is really software problem.

It seems more than an SPAM algoritm than everything else.
On API we have an SPAM algoritm, on EB we have another. Maybe now both of them are equal because of the changes. And there isnt a high SPAM algoritm on their app !

AMAZING NEWS!!! Can’t wait :star_struck:

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Why I didn’t get the email :frowning: ???