Jarvee and FB Business page

Is there any way to do kind of follow/unfollow, like profile or post with Jarvee and a FB business page?
(same as an IG account can do)


Would it be feasible and worth it?

I haven’t heard anyone doing follow-unfollow on Facebook. Especially with a business page which doesn’t allow you to “have friends”, but follow only other business pages.

I know that you can post as FB page with Jarvee, not sure about options you mentioned, since I never tried to use it this way. I think you can also comment as page as well.

yeah I mean it’s difficult to automatize the growing of a FB business page. It’s very limited compare to IG and TT

You can’t Follow/Unfollow with your FB page. You can only comment and like as a page and invite users to like your page

I’ve used these tutorials inside Jarvee’s Knowledge base:

Also, you can post to FB page using Campaign.