Jarvee - "code 550 - cannot execute because you don't have any valid IG accounts logged in via API "

Guys, how to fix this problem, I read threads about it, but not found solution

  1. https://gyazo.com/bd0cfdcce8f166b01b4082e511815378 I have these unchecked
  2. I don’t use scrapers at all, added my own sources.
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Is the account on EB only?
Have you added the sources to specific users and not something else?
Have you got any other tool that would require a scraper?

I just added 1 account as “full api” and it fixed the problem. Thanks.

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For some sources Jarvee still needs to use a scraper account in order to make the main account that has USE ONLY EB checked works. I think you should check “scrape with the embedded browser where possible” checked in you main account’s advanced settings as well to help reduce the number of API calls on your new account.

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In that case you probably had API scrape block on the one account that you had, before you added another one. :slight_smile:

That’s why it is always good to have multiple accounts on API to keep the actions ongoing.

That’s what I got from Jarvee support, if you don’t have any scrapers running or accounts logged in via api.

Cannot run any account with just EB only - you need an account that runs API to work with it or do scrapes… (where the scrapers come in)

I input my own sources too and have scrapers for each main running Eb only (scrapers API needed to do things like searches and syncs and stuff - i think)

You need scraper accounts when you have these three options checked, otherwise your main accounts will return error 550.

When you have these options checked without scraper accounts, only the actions (like,follow,etc) are done on the embedded browser, the main accounts still make API calls for scraping

I just checked and you are right friend. Will contact Jarvee support again.

That’s the best way, cause they’ll ask all the right questions and will figure out what’s going on the quickest.