Jarvee instagram growth is working?

Hi guys I would like to ask you if the jarvee is working in terms of gaining followers or are accounts getting banned ? if it is working what settings do we need to use so that they are not blocked and that we have good results . If it’s working, I would also like to know how many followers a month can you gain

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It works, although we got some issues recently.

As for the number of followers it totally depends on the quality of your content.

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You always risk a ban when automating - but in most cases not instantly, so you should have time to react.

With casual F/UF you can do up to 180 follows / day with a 10% follow back ratio you get lets say 20 followers / day = 600 / month. But you are risking the account value / trust score.

With M/S method there are almost no limits. You can calculate pretty similar - 1 slave account sends between 10-20 followers to your main each day. Advantage is that you dont risk your main or clients account and can scale up easy.

But it does take a lot of effort and money to run M/S no?

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Yes of course, its not easy. Unless you have a lot of experience I doubt you will be able to setup it correctly with JV. These days there are many issues. If you need MS growth by pro you can check some services on forum. You can still get nice margin if you resell, but you won’t need to worry about setup, accounts, proxies, servers…

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I cant find any good M/S services on forum, can you refer me to any?

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Depends on how many slaves you want - you can run 5-15 slaves on 1 4G proxy so its not very pricy if you do it on a small scale.

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Check services from @Parliament and @denis1

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All I can say is wait a few weeks till the new patch is out before you go into doing full actions.

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I’m running a few slaves really stable at around 70-80 follows a day for about 2 weeks, would you recommend me to wait for that new patch before I speed it up a little bit?

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You are doing that using the EB or on API?

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EB always, I only use API for scrapers

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The update they are doing is only for the API, I am not sure if they are updating the EB too

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Nope, this update is just related to API.

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A few of us will be testing the new version out before it goes public