Jarvee Support: Solution

For some reason I have had to deal with many bugs on Jarvee. I’ve had to have developers come onto my setup and make patches to get things working. Which is fine, programs can’t be perfect.

The issue comes when you have to email support and you get run through all the newbie questions about proxies etc. (Over and over) You have to spend ages sending in screenshots when you know it has nothing to do with what they are saying.

There are some really great JV support guys that work with you to find a solution. (Yesterday one guy, was one my level). But, when their shift ends someone comes and starts to ask stupid questions and can’t understand the complexity of whats happening.

***I believe there should be levels of support that are given based on the their experience and time spent on jarvee. These should be assigned to the email address of the person when they reach a certain license or subscriber time.

I own 3 licenses and have been with Jarvee more than a year. So, I don’t want to have to send screen shots of my proxy dashboard and then have to argue with support as to why I have more than one account per 4G proxy or the support person doesn’t understand how back end residential proxies work.

There needs to be a way to keep the advanced support people working with the advanced Jarvee user. I hate dealing with support when I clearly know more then them. I end up asking for a developer to come in and chat to me.

I hope some kind of order can be made with this.