Jarvee Vs Instapy wich better?

Jarvee vs Instapy : which better for instagram ??? :rocket:

Depends on your goal. If you want to run one account f/uf then probably instapy. If you want to do m/s and don’t know how to turn instapy into a multithread machine then jarvee.

Jarvee is the easiest to learn and use but you will get more errors. I suck at code so prefer jarvee.


I think jarvee is good to go for automation

I’ve never heard of Instapy to be honest. I’ve been using Jarvee for a long time.

That’s an easy choice for me: Jarvee all day long :smiley:

well, it’s pretty much Jarvee at every aspect, you can do so much when it comes to IG growth and as heroeslair said it’s easy to learn and documentations are there, articles videos…etc

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It’s unanimously :smiley:

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