Jarvee warming acc settings

I bought 6 ig accounts , and 4g proxy.
Can you please suggest me some settings to warm them up.
I already got 4 accs disable with just 20 follows per day …

I do all actions for first few days manually there inside EB, watch some stories posts and all that, and then I put it on automatic.

you don’t have to start with the follow tool, use stories, Like comments and random actions tools, start very slow and work your way up, you can also post occasionally and see how it goes.

For the settings, you can use the default ones or lower them a little bit more, try to have always a big time difference between operations and a low number of actions per day.

Also, 3 accounts per proxy max.

Are those accounts new? Don’t forget to use scraper accounts. The accounts most likely got disabled because they did too many API Calls. Even though they did only 20 follows per day, but too many API Calls for scraping were done. Also, doing only follow action is sus. They should some unfollow, like, and leave a few comments per day to make the account look more natural. Your scraper accounts and main accounts shouldn’t share the same proxy.