Jarvee- Weird Dm Issue

Yeah it seems to be an android issue. Well at least galaxy s10.

I can’t tag accounts with a full stop in the name. I may try a hybrid method and do api for dms but that makes things risky.

Atm I’m sending my profile url

I guess changing your user name is not an option right?

Unfortunately all the ones similar are taken.
Weirdly fitnesslair is not an account but I still can’t take it. I have bigger accounts with .lair as part of their name so want to keep it in that family

You do this with JV?

I think he means manually. The mother account probably shouldn’t be in jv in the first place

Yes in the image SQWT is the mother.
But the message is sent by Vickie, which is a “slave” in JV (or another tool).
We can share a profile via dm like this in JV?

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You can only share profiles if api is active. So, it cannot be in EB emulation only setting

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