Last response code: 400 -> challenge_required was received from instagram

It is really hard to manager ig… i follow in 50-100 above 7 days. and when i share the post with the tag… then, my account was met challenge_required issue… it always, i am afraid to post the share…

it is so easy to be challenge_required … i use the followliker , which the issue…

i list some issue maybe banned my account:

  1. my account was asked challenge_required when doing post before. and i change the phone number, as i not have the old number.
  2. maybe the same caption used, which caption was banned before?

Switch to better bot. Try Jarvee.

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Check some fora about followliker…You will be amazed how many troubles they got.

Just give a try They have a free trial. You will be amazed of the feutures they have!


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