Last year this time -- remember? LOW--LOW ER

History lesson last year this time. ER/Follows dropped like a rock until 2nd/3rd week of February it picked back up. Do you remember? I do, this to refresh your memory. Ya think it’s odd we are going thru the same cycle as last year and the year before? I don’t. Think it’s normal in all social media. January/February simply sucks.


Pepperidge Farm remembers.

I’m at an all time low, just bleeding followers in every niche, and ultra low engagement that nothing will fix. It’s a weird time for even using Instagram as a regular person.

Edit: Actually, also getting the feeling people are doing social media cleanses and shit. I’ve lost a whole bunch of followers that i’ve had “whitelisted” and chosen to not unfollow no matter what, who have unfollowed me, which leads me to believe that people are just purging intentionally this time of year. Self reflection, the need for an inflated ego with more followers than followings, etc.


Just when i thought i had started growing my personal account…
They pull me back down…



Curious to see what happens this year… For me last January was still good. I think IG spreads the lower reach in zones and not to all users at the same time…


Had ER drop from Jan 20 till today.


I was getting 1200 followers daily.
The last 2 days dropped to 800


My follows dropped 75 percent 2 days ago and has stayed at those levels. This morning gains are much better. Spells like this last about 3-5 days. The weekend I hope will inch up.

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+1 I noticed this too in most of my accounts, follows dropped 70-80%, but today everything seems better!

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@Alexnvo i have an account on which i do the first post every day at same hour,same hashtags.
Everytime it performed really good but last week very bad.The posts after that one perform good with other hashtags.
What do you think i should do ?

That’s interesting @Alexnvo. I have noticed the last two years on my 300k account a drop from October to December and then in January it picked up both times. My explanation was that people got busy with Christmas etc…

Everything happens in waves. Wait it out, it will be fine at some point!