Latest Mugshot Verification Trend

HI guys, just had 2 clients run into the selfie mugshot verification by IG. Basically disabled their accounts, then went through the dispute, then they emailed back saying their accounts were wrongly disabled, must verify with the 6 digit and mugshot. Then their accounts were activated.

I’m sure some of you guys got this - do you still automate with these accounts?

They were running on API and aside from running into some Email/Phone verification before, nothing major. Slaves sending usernames for them to F/UF. My other accounts that run make way more API calls never got this new verification.

Many thanks

Verification doesn’t hit all accounts, kind of unfair process when some accounts will be more often hit - others never.

What you’re asking is, if anyone is still automating accounts after this kind of verification (selfie) ? I personally didn’t see yet that kind of review, so can’t say. However, i do think this verification process is like the other one (Captcha - PV) : you need to be more carefull when you start automating again, and for some time (and also change your automation strategy for this particular account, as the patterns might reproduce it).

what the user above said is very accurate, it’s not a question of automation or not is how you going the automate the account after that, that mugshot stuff is new so very few user had that me included, what you can do is start again very very slowly with great proxies, Slaves, and API limits then work your way up slowly and see how it goes.