🌟[learn how to segment and get as much as 65% increase in email revenue]

:arrow_down::arrow_down:A couple of months ago, I signed up a client of ours. :arrow_down::arrow_down:

We were able to up their email revenue from 16% to 47% in LESS than a month. :scream:

I also mentioned that we focused on segmentation. Before partnering with us, they already had a pretty good list but they had an undefined email marketing strategy.

What does this mean? :thinking: Basically, it means that they just sent their campaigns to every one of ther list. As a result, they had low open rates and their reputation was being affected negatively. :pensive:

:red_circle:So why should you focus on segmentation? :red_circle:
When you have the right segments in place, ycou can curate relevant content and offers that will appeal to those specific segments and hopefully, this will translate to more sales. And that’s what happened to our client.

Here’s what can happen when you segment:
:white_check_mark:As much as 55% increase in revenue per recipient
:white_check_mark: Increase in open rates! Our client only had an open rate of 6% that increased to 25%
:white_check_mark: 73% of all revenue for our client’s shop now comes from email marketing alone!

Pretty good, right? So I decided to share some of the best segmentation practices which you could already start applying to your list. This is a combination of Klaviyo’s tips as well as some we have personally tried.

:checkered_flag: Listen to your data and segment accordingly! These can be descriptive (located in a certain state) or behavioral (bought a product in the last 15 days).
:checkered_flag: Behavioral data is the bomb. These can refer to the frequency of or the recent engagements with your brand. Another idea is to segment according to recent purchases, or frequency of purchases, or even the total combined amount of all-time purchases.
:checkered_flag: Focus on your core marketing audience. These are the ones with recent activity in the last four months. Some of them may have a higher average order value than others. But the thing is, there is so much potential when you engage with them.
:checkered_flag: Map it out. :world_map:Define your goals, your strategy, your audience, and then the segments that can stem from these details.

:bulb:To give you a little push, here are some examples of the actual segments we created for our client. :bulb:
:eight_spoked_asterisk: Customers based in the United States
:eight_spoked_asterisk: Customers who viewed swimwear in the last 30 days
:eight_spoked_asterisk: Customers who bought swimwear
:eight_spoked_asterisk: Customers who started to checkout footwear
:eight_spoked_asterisk: Customers who are highly engaged or those who opened emails at least once in the past 30 days

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Thanks for this. Can you give us an example of the content of the email campaigns that you send with the segementation. How much do they differ between each other?

Email is so underrated.

Very interesting! I definitely need to delve more into this. Great share!