Likes Exchange not working?

Hey guys , my posts didn’t receive any like even though they are on the like exchange tool for more than 2 days.
is anyone else having te same problem ?


Other people have been having same problem apparently, like exchange is down

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With all the blocks all over the place no wonder its not working, like exchange either doesn’t work or get next to no likes. :worried:


Same problem…few days without any engagment without Likes

Same :frowning: it’s really not good. I’ve contacted support and I think they are on it but their advice of switch it off, log out and log back in then turn back on hasn’t worked for me. I’m hoping they will find another way around it.

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The service got affected obviously with all those blocks, once we get this API block lifted everything should work again!

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I hope so @Tradewolf I’ve never seen it be this badly affected though - the MP team must be working around the clock to try and work out how to get it all back up and running! Insta drives me nuts.

same here, not working since June 30, does anybody already have an official answer from support? thanks

Glad I’m not the only one running into problems. Hoping for a speedy resolution.

Theres more talk about this over here… plus a comment from a team member.
Would be good to have some more updates though.

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