I would like to ask you guys and girls for an opinion about the online service I’m currently working on.
In short words it would offer people an ability to record videos and other media for future generations, possibly their grandchildren.
Imagine receiving birthday wishes from your grandfather who has passed away 20 years ago, but he thought about you and cared to leave you a message, maybe short video about his life and his thoughts about different things.
I came up with this idea after one old guy flew from Australia to Europe just to tell me he is my family and showed me incredibly huge family tree dating back 200 years ago. (Nope, he didn’t ask for money.)
As people get older they realize that all the money they worked for have no use after their death, but they desperately would like to be remembered.
Next generations are less likely to visit their nestors graves, and even if they do it’s just a symbol, you cannot interact with it and actually your grand grand children would have no idea who you really were.
Also this service could be targeted at soldiers leaving their small children at home, because they would love to know more about their dad when they grow up (not only from other people’s stories)
Imagine that your father died when you were 2 but you keep receiving videos and letters from him for the next 40 years.
I know that the process of recording all that would be awkward, but I’m already consulting that with behaviorists and psychologists.
Next steps we are taking are: teaching AI the way someone writes, scanning bodies for VR walks and exctracting other data while our customer is alive. In the following years we would probably witness huge development in brain scanning and learning how it works, so maybe in the future we would be able to… who knows! But there is a lot that could be done even today.
What do you think? Would you like to “live” forever?
(I know that for some people it sounds fucked up, I’ve heard that before but I asked people with a cancer, people who lost their parents early and they actually liked that idea. I personally also think it’s fcked up)