Logging into clients accounts from phone?

hey, the guy do any of you login into any of the clients account to check things?

also, would it be a good idea to get multiple phones and login 5 accounts on each phone with 4g just to see how the accounts are performing?

Would it be a problem as 1 more IP would be accessing the account? apart from the owner and our proxy and whoever the owner has allowed to log in?

Since all the new blocks and everything I feel it would be better to have a look at the accounts personally every day.

Please let me know about it so I can test it. I already have 4 different phones who support Instagram and I also have multiple sim cards

I am scared cause I think it’ll also link to patterns and 5 clients IP would be logged in from this 1 phone 4g IP so that is the problem I feel that’s why I never logged into any clients accounts manually

Also interested, anyone knows if this would be bad?
Especially if you have US proxies and log into the account from say Sweden

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I am using but it’s frequently asking for PV

I would also love to know the experience of others.

yes exactly cause i have lot’s of clients from different locations and proxies from different.
would that draw some lines? Anyone knows about this please let us know.

you’re using the proxy from a different country? after logging from phone you got the PV?

Yes I am. I am newly using Jarvee and still learning the things. So I don’t know the best things to do. Whenever I got blocked in follows and content posting with hashtags & captions, I have tried to post contents manually via mobile phone. It worked fine but some accounts got PV later and the rate is more than usual.

did you get a PV after doing a post?

Yes I got but not in every accounts.

I got PV on few of them.

However, I am facing a new problem today. Almost 99% of my 4g mobile proxies are showing error! I don’t know how to fix it. Do you have any solution?

I wouldn’t recommend logging into more than 2 devices at a time in total simultaneously. If you’re going to log in to check something vital then log out immediately after you’ve seen what you need to; and if you can log in using the same IP as the proxy you’re using on the relevant account then do that every time.

I can almost guarantee that accounts logged into 3 devices simultaneously will perform significantly worse.

so say you have an influencer as your client and you do Follow/Unfollow, can they still be logged in and do some actions like comments and answering dms?

Time to get an android phone and hook it up to the proxies lol xD

Yes that’s fine. But if you’re logged into the account on a phone and a Jarvee device for example and they are logged in as well then you’re going to have a hard time.