Login activity - Where You're Logged in

The “Confirm login activity” option has disappeared for a few days and this causes me to temporarily block every time I use MP. What can be done? Instagram removed this option? Have you also encountered this problem? I would be very grateful if anyone could help me.

I am talking about going manually to Profile> Settings> Login activity> Confirm login activity (using the embedded browser).


Schermata 2020-07-27 alle 00.56.48

I just checked it, it’s still there. Is Italy your proxy location? Do you mean you get temporary block on your account and you want to confirm login activity, log out from old sessions, then re-login? or are you getting EV loop?

Thanks for the reply. Usually I click on “not now” and then go to Profile> Settings> Login activity> Confirm login activity. In this way, I almost never go to the block. Since the option disappeared, however, as soon as I start MP I get the hang almost immediately. So you still have the “Confirm login activity” option? Can it be an error of my MP?