Looking for Guidance on Building an Organic Instagram Following for a Niche Account

Hello Everyone :hugs:,

I’m contacting you in an attempt to get some knowledge and suggestions about how to develop a specialised account’s Instagram following naturally. I oversee a tiny Instagram account that is devoted to [your specialty, for example, “eco-friendly living tips”].

Although I’ve noticed some consistent growth, I believe I’ve reached a standstill and require some new approaches to maintain the pace.

Here is some history about my account:

  • Niche: Advice for eco-friendly living
  • 1,200 followers as of right now
  • Content: I share a variety of images, infographics, and quick films. My writing mostly focuses on do-it-yourself projects, sustainable product recommendations, and helpful advice for cutting waste.
  • Engagement: I usually receive 100 likes and 10–15 comments on my posts.

I have the following specific queries:

Content Planning: Which kinds of material work best, in your experience, to keep your audience interested? :thinking: Are there any particular content types that work better for specialised accounts, such as Reels, Stories, or IGTV? :thinking:

Hashtags: I’m not sure if I’m using a combination of general and niche-specific hashtags at this point. How do you find and choose hashtags to get the most exposure and interaction? :thinking:

Community Engagement: I make an effort to interact with my followers by replying to their messages and comments, but I’m curious if there are any other tactics I should take into account to promote a greater feeling of community.

Collaborations: Have you been able to increase your following by working alongside various influencers or businesses in your niche? :thinking: If yes, how do you usually negotiate and approach these kinds of partnerships? :thinking:

Tools and Resources: What resources, apps, or tools would you suggest using to manage and expand an Instagram account? :thinking:

I also followed this :point_right: https://www.quora.com/What-is-the-best-way-to-grow-on-Instagram-organicallyuipath

Thank you :pray: in advance.