Looking for provider / ideas how to grow 2 ig pages

I have 2 pages I want to grow, I tried doing F/UN with jarvee, didnt get any luck.
Both pages are old and have traffic.
I got the sources, got the filters everything is scrapped already
Now the main idea is actually to lure spesific traffic I want.
Any ideas how I should do it with these 2 pages? (sexy girls pages, want only 1 geo traffic)
I own a stroy view bot for myself but I dont want to use it on these 2 accounts.

I would suggest you to find a manual growth provider or feed them with slave accounts.

we are doing manual actions for hundreds of accounts , its working smoothly for us from last 9 months since we stopped automation, our team is from Pakistan thats we are able to provide a very good price and we provide free trial, i think many people who are doing it manually have many accounts running per phone , our each agent only handle max 1-2 accounts using their own 4G sim, phone, and from their own location i think this help us with avoiding most of those blocks because its not easy for Instagram to track us , its like normal users are doing actions, also we provide free trials and you can use dashlane to give us account access, dashlane is an app which you can use to give us instagram account access without sharing your instagram account pass with us

grow them via shoutouts, babes accounts have a high conversion ratio and then make a network from these two , sell and reinvest in shoutouts

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trash traffic, I own a network of babes pages, dont wanna go back to this crap

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aahah had too, you can use it for bumping accounts of ladies ( maybe not fashion bloggers but the ones who re “pic with ass” addicted ) and sell them organic growth

who the hell needs this trash tier3 traffic

What is your goal with these accounts?