Looking for social media scraping services & databases

Hello everyone,

I have some projects in the works and I need people who are able to scrape data from these social media platforms (listed by priority):

  • Tiktok
  • Twitter
  • Instagram
  • Only fans
  • Snapchat

If you can do this please send me a DM. We are looking to extract data in general (usernames/userids) but also some of our projects include focusing on specific features, for example: scraping the “followings” of profiles on Instagram.

We are also looking to increase the volume of our databases, which we have for all of these platforms + Youtube, so if you already have a dataset please send me a DM about that too.



I got so many DMs but still haven’t found everything I was looking for. Replying to this post so it jumps on the homepage again (hopefully)

I can prepare such a list.
For a sample, message me on Telegram @myteam4.