Looking for someone to partner with and manage my clients on MP

Hi to all,

I’m doing a post because I’m looking for someone to take care of my clients. Currently I have 100 clients and I’m expanding my team and I’m aiming for 500 clients.

So on your side you have nothing to do but make sure the accounts are correct and running smooth. So my customers are pretty simple to handle because is only follow and unfollow. I have a customer service employee that takes care of e-mails and DMs so once a night she send me the requests I receive from customers or new clients or who is stopping, and all my customers are from Montreal and speak French but she will communicate with you in English.

Otherwise I’m setting up a sales team to prospect on Instagram with a technique where I’ve trained the guys so we’ll have a lot of customers, if you’re interested all the customers are on VPS, on my side I’m at a point in my life that I’m trying to help inspire and teach here in Montreal to 100 000 people and I’ve been on TV already and my mission is starting to really take hold and I prefer to spend more time on it and delegete the software because I prefer to put 2 hours on helping people.

Also for our clients I have a simple system where I have already answered all the questions imaginable with videos or I talk so there is little or no request because I am transparent with them of all the messages that can happen (TB, AC,) and all the clients are aware of the possible blocks and all of them are in agreement. ( exemple: https://youtu.be/Leap4FXOnc0 )

I charge a low monthly fee but I don’t mind increasing the prices so that we all win considering how much you’re going to charge me per client. Write me privately if you want more information and all my clients pay by PayPal so it’s pretty easy to follow up. I will take care of the free trials that we offer and you will only manage active customers.

Hope to find a good partner !!

My personal IG : https://www.instagram.com/sebas.hamel/
Business IG : https://www.instagram.com/proboost.mtl/


How much are you charging,I can manage those accounts so let me know if I could be of any help?:slightly_smiling_face:

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I will send you a DM bro!

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You can contact me if you are in need of reliable manual company. Regards!


I am interested.

Please send a private message.

Thank you
