Looking for unlikers scraper?

Does mpsocial provide function for scrapping followers list and check who do and did not /how many likes in last 10 posts, looking to get this info and not automatically unfollow with a software, but have a list and do it manually, is this possible? Thx for your wisdom

You can scrape a list of account followers -
Then scrape a list of post likers and then
Manually filter out in excel.

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So you saying there no such option doing it automatically ? No where in the market? I’m pretty sure I saw before people talking about this here

Unfollow tool in jarvee has a setting to not unfollow likers of your posts.

I dont want to automate my accounts, to big…to risky, maintaining my growth organic as possible (better results for me then automated) so I wondered if I could have a list, because doing it manually with 2 big pages impossible

You can do that in jarvee too, you just need some scraper accounts and under “scrape tools” you can extract likers from users (your main account) and extract your followers. Then you can compare the lists.

There are also additional functions - you can also extract the user engagement if you want.

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Thx for your wisdom! Sign me in

Thanks Eleoen, that’s a great workaround! You need to be handy when it comes to stuff like these. Cheers

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