Losing followers/er down -- why? well spring break..thats why

it is the season for fun, spring break folks. Some are messaging me – why am I losing followers and er down? – here was a reply I sent in messages to a few.

Not much we can do right now. All my accounts are growing at 50-75 percent less each day and my big active accounts are losing followers too. ER is down big time.
2 reasons.

  1. Spring break – this drop happened last year also and it was just as bad. This is the main reason why.
  2. Updates from IG – Not really a biggie however it does add.
    So gotta wait it out. It should, by history be back in shortly. That has been my experience.
    If ya take a look at other accounts this is happening to them too and yeah few are exploding in growth but the vast majority are in the same boat.

True, spring break always does this, it usually only lasts for 2 weeks, then it’s back to normal.

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Yeah lost about 50 today and was looking why

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Might be a good time to be liking based on location like the big spring break destinations if they fit your niche.

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