Losing followers help

Hi guys,

Is anyone losing followers on Instagram ? Do you think it is because the content doesn’t work or can it be fake followers accounts being deactivated by instagram ?

Thanks for your help

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If you noticed that you are losing some number of followers that don’t seem usual, then most probably Instagram is removing some accounts that they consider face.

Hi Bianca,

Thank you for the advice. It is probably that.

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Can also be algorithm changes. Also how did you grow your account in the first place.

If you used follow/unfollow then you will lose followers when you unfolllow or they dont want to follow you anymore.

Other thing to consider is how your pages engagement is doing and whether or not you have changed things to make me unfollow you.

The “Least Interacted With” feature is also a reason why most of our accounts bleed nowadays. You are only 1 click away from being unfollowed. The bigger you are, the more you’re about to bleed.

Reach is dead for most of the users, so you should consider a growth strategy which would fit your account. There are many out there !

Maybe start with some simple F/U

Hi Thanks Denis. I would rather not do follow unfollow, it is something that was used back them, and I don’t believe in it. Probably an ad strategy or something else.

The account grew organically, we never used follow/unfollow, however we had some attacks and fake followers a few months ago.

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How many followers do you have and how are your posts performing to the way it used to?

On my organic account its a repost account and grows off the posts itself. So, it doesn’t bleed aslong as the posts are good and I post regularly

I agree with Bianca, whenever you notice huge followers drop in a short period of time, that prolly means IG is deleting those accounts.