Manual growth setup - how do you do it?

Yes sir! All logged in.

So what happens with the actual clients? Also logged in? To conclude both you and your client do actions on the real IG app probably doing actions simultanously aswell without any trigger? @DonPapo

Im not considering my self Manual growth agency because im doing something different and in the process of scaling it. But, you will need so much resources to run manual growth agency PERFECTLY.

The setup differ from agency to another but the main concept is to run accounts on mobile phone with VA or Workers doing manual actions on daily basis. Runing 5 per phone is the recommended anything above 5 is considered high risk (get your accounts linked in result they will get blocked or banned).

We are doing something similar as @ZackMD1 and I´m always wondering how you guys are able to run 7-9 accounts per phone, just from a time point of view.
Let me do some quick calculations:

  • Following users via e.g. typing in the search bar + browsing feed + liking recent pictures + muting, takes around 45 seconds each
  • Unfollowing is similar but takes a bit less time, as you do not need to browse and like feed. So 30 seconds per unfollow
  • You also have to do some human actions, so lets say for every 50 follows and for every 50 unfollows, you do 10 minutes of human actions.

If you do 150 Follow/Unfollows a day that would be 187mins for F/U and 60 mins for human actions. Which comes down to ~4,1 hours per client. So if you have e.g. 8 clients per phone you would need ~ 33hours per day, which is not possible. (Calculation is already done with very optimal numbers)

So my question is, how are you able to do that? My first thought would be: Following e.g. from hashtags without filtering beforehand -> bad targeting, not keeping track of follows/unfollows -> chance of unfollowing friends of client, less human actions -> more blocks, less f/u actions -> less growth ?

Looking forward to your response, this is really interesting topic for me :slight_smile:


We tend to avoid their times of being online - but two simultaneous logins on one account does not potray or result in a block like people think.


We are using mother slaves method from more than 2 years with manual actions thats is working perfectly for us.We have team of 100+ agents that perform actions from their own devices using 4g mobile proxy and really thinks that it’s much better than automation .100-150 follow actions per slave account with 50+ dms per day.