Mass DMs are dying and will die completely now

What do you mean? Maybe you should take another break for good measure? :grin:

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Is this a real question, or are you absolutely new to mass DMs? Like, I’m guessing you’ve heard, even slightly, the concept of "how does your account look, is the content good, is it interesting, is the feed of quality, does it provide/add anything of value? What about the targets, the audience? What about the DM you approach them with. "

So long story short: if you have a memecoin pump&dump page there is no way in hell anyone can guarantee you 10k followers for ANY money whatsoever.

If your account is good, audience is good, then with us 4k will give you about 10m dms ish, meaning maybe you can get close to the 10k mark but maybe not. These are real people clicking, theyre humans, they have to decide to follow willingly. Simple factors as maybe they dont like the account owner’s face is enough to deter someone from following.

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What is the lower end of followers typically had for that $4,000 while still having a decent page?

And how exactly do you get DMs to inboxes nowadays since IG stops you from messaging the pages of strangers and they never even see it except for a small minority of whom see it in their spam folder sometime later? I am told by someone who worked with MIT-level graduates who tried to solve this that mass DMs are dead now, permanently, so this is interesting.

Thanks for the reply @AshOasis - Didn’t get notification of it for some reason. My interest has gone from reselling mother-child to studying building pages via automation so I"m new to the study. Have mercy on me. You mean 5,000 followers a month, right?

If you wanted 0 risk of an account ban, how many follows and unfollows should you do a day? And then, what is the upper limit you’ve reahed on these without a ban? Even with high trust accounts, I have heard everything from 80+ a day will ban you to 300+ a day will ban you. It seems to vary.

Just sharing my thoughts… there is no exact answer for any of your questions.
Also, “0 risk of an account ban” is impossible even if you don’t automate nor use your account. There are people out there “selling account bans” services… and it appears that it works. I suspect the answer for you would be something like, it depends. It depends on what actions you are performing; it depends on your content and account status and past. Unfortunately, Instagram is really not an exact science. Something on account X gives you some results, if you replicate that something on another similar account, results would be different.

how follow/unfollow can help grow followers? Could you please explain this to me? Thank u

What do you mean by this? Cold DMs are working fine

if you follow, people will want to follow you after aswell, this is the follow and unfollow tactic

No problem whatsoever. No, I meant 5000 follow actions per day, the actual percentage of people following back usually hovers around 20% depending on how good is the account itself and how good is the targeting.

You’d have to find a way to work around currently imposed IG limitations, they do restrict actions quite quickly if they find your activity suspicious. Yeah, around 250 a day is usually max with the more simpler tactics, sadly I can’t give you more specifics on how to get around it.

Basically you just follow a user who might be interested in your profile/content so that you show up on his feed and he possibly follows back. Based on how well you’re targeting the accounts and how good is your account the followback rate is usually around 20-30%, so out of 100 people you follow, 20-30 will follow you back.

I never had a 20-30% follow back ratio, i gotta work on my conversions it seems. I always have in the best cases 10% on my child accounts. Thats when I add followers, no matter if 100 or 1000, it won’t get much more then 10%.

It still depends on a lot of factors, some of which, are out of your control. 10% is fine too, more so for child accounts. My example is from follow/unfollow method implemented on main accounts.

Wait, 5,000 follow actions a day? You’re not saying sending 5,000 follows or unfollows per day, are you? I’m misunderstanding, I think, in my noobiness.

Also, is automation dead unless from a phone? If I am only on desktop and refuse to own or use a phone, am I out of luck for automating 20-50 pages for automated follows, likes, postings, etc.? Because I am reading everywhere that “API is dead now.” How can someone automate 20-50 pages from desktop? Or is it no longer possible?


Yes, that’s what I mean by actions, following or unfollowing x times. 5k was the maximum we’ve tested with but now we’re sticking to around 2 - 3k a day.

It’s still possible but became a lot more complicated that’s why there’s talks about “API is dead” and some service providers haven’t to keep their numbers up.

Don’t fall for his anecdotes, man, or you’ll be chasing a dead end.

Wait, I am retarded, I need clarification: you’re saying on some accounts you’ve achieved following 5,000 pages a day? But now you stick to 2k-3k a day? How old are the pages? Why is this when other users get blocked no matter what at 150 follows a day? One dude on BHW does 200-300 follows a day and no one believed him. And you’re doing 2,000-5,000?

Anyway, with the whole API thing, please tell me: Does SuSocial still work with IG or not? And what are the best automation programs (from desktop) that work with IG as long as you stick to good limits? Many say now, as you mentioned, that “API” is dead (I’m still learning what API even is), SuSocial barely works, etc. How can a noob like me automate simple follow-unfollow, feed likes, story views, posts, etc. nowadays from my DESKTOP on IG? (No phone and don’t want one.) Or can I? I’ve been studying this for a month or so now in hopes of automating 20-30 real and authentic pages but I’ve seen answers all over the place. SuSocial was looking like the only thing that works but it’s so expensive and now there are numerous reports that it doesn’t work. What can I use without paying someone to code a custom software? Hoping for @Klique and @MaximilianP to weigh in too, as I know they are familiar with this. Thanks!

(Oops, forgot, Klique said in PM previously that API days are over too.) Well, secondary question: What’s the best antidetect browser that can at least automate planned IG posts and hashtags in advance?

Yes, exactly. 5k was a test with completely fresh accounts just to see if it would result in any restrictions but it didn’t. We’re sticking to 2-3k just as a precaution and it’s still plenty. The test pages were completely fresh made, currently working with clients pages of different ages. Because IG recently imposed limitations on the amount of daily actions and most agencies/individuals don’t know how to bypass them, a lot of people are in disbelief, besides the growth agencies and clients who’re actually using our service.

Not sure about the current state of SuSocial, it probably suffered from these restrictions as well, although it’s the most popular automation panel out there.
SuSocial probably is the best choice, don’t really know of a better alternative.

Okay, using SuSocial, what if I stuck with ultra low limits? Like, 30 likes a day, 10 follows a day, and 30 story views a day, over 12 hours? Or what about using SuSocial’s “Web Browser Emulation” mode instead of API? Just researching.