Mass DMs - Problems from the last few hours. Anyone?

Hi, for the last few hours, when i try to do DMs, after a sending a couple of DMs, the accounts get API blocked. Anyone else who does Mass Dms at scale facing the same issue?

are you getting this on Jarvee? API blocks are common when doing multiple actions in a short time but they normally disappear after few hours, and after that you need to make changes in your setup.

HI Luca. I appreciate your response but I am not looking for generic solutions. While handling hundreds of accounts each day, I am well aware of the basic issues and I wouldnt have posted this, if it were just a normal API block. This seems to be specific to DMs alone. If I clear my cookies and emulate logging into a new device, it does all the actions except Dms again. And no, I donot use Jarvee.

Anyone who does Mass DMs at scale, and is also facing problems, please send me a PM. May be we can figure out things!

Well if you do not want a generic answers, you should be more specific directly in your message. I would say It depends on which software you are using - here on my end everything is fine on sending mass dms …


Agreed. My Mistake

I am not doing Mass DMs but I am sure that’s some sort of action block, especially if you are able to do other actions with your accounts. Resting accounts is always a good solution.

Its a problem with the newest Api version in my bot. Its resolved

cool, the second message was much clearer, glad you solved the issue.

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Great, I am happy for you!

It was a problem and I don’t think it’s solved with the new API. If you need help feel free to PM

yeah been having issues lately

You are still getting issues on your side?

There are limits on the number of DMs that can be sent for a particular number of hours. Just be within those limits and it should be all good. For starters, keep it to below 10 for every 4 hours. If you wish to go aggressive, a little bit of trial and error can help determine the limits for your settings. If someone needs further help, please feel free to send me a PM

Hi. I just wanted to ask if you are facing some issues too with mass dms now? If not, any tips to overcome the problem? Will be grateful if you could help

I am going with 10 per day. With some pretty warmed up accounts I am going up to 15 DMs. I assume that is more than enough.

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Nothing is more than enough :wink: More dms = less cost. So we want to maximize, don’t we?

From what I have heard you can hit about 30-45 a day

From the recommended settings you can do a limit of 2 DM per hour and 20 - 25 DMs per day.

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