Mass instagram managin - help!


I want to create a 30 accounts and automate them.
Firstly, i buyed a 4G proxy from massproxy.
But the first issue i got is, everytime i create an account using the proxy it get blocked, or they gave me a captcha that never ends.
I created 3 accounts with difficulty, and i linked them with JARVEE.
The second issue i got is, when i linked them with JARVEE, 2 ACCS got down :pensive:
I launched JARVEE with low actions. After 24hrs ( 2 POSTS - 14 Followings ) it got also down :pensive:. And i losed my special usernames.
When i contacted MASSPROXY they told me that the problem is instagram is strict now on creating accounts ( I CREATED THEM ON PHONE WITH SAME PROXY AND HOTMAIL MAILS )
Could anyone please help me?
My goal is to automate 30 accounts. Do you suggest me to buy aged igs and buy new proxies?
I will be happy for any suggestions.

Mpsocial is FULL of guides :blush:

Can you suggest me one ?
I’m new here

Have you seen this one? Create bulk Instagram accounts - 2020 - Using phone - No root required

You just have to search a little through this forum, there is so much good information


Welcome to the forum. The above is your key to getting the answers you seek in the fastest manner.

Well wishes on your IG journey