Mass Picture Delete

To the best of anyone’s knowledge, will clearing an accounts pictures, and changing name/niche flag an account for banning? Currently, its a fashion account and I will be switching to inspirational quotes.

I will be making it look human as possible, by staggering the deletion over a few hours.

Thanks for your help.

i did it in the past a few times. Without any bans. Try to delete all in a couple of days while you posts some new pictures in your new niche.


Good to know this. I’m planning to convert one of my accounts with 14k followers. Thanks

I changed some accounts in the past. If you have real followers and you dont know what niche will work best, try the cute cats niche:)

Every account with bad engagement that i changed and post only cute cats, had 10% plus engagement within a week:)


:joy::joy::joy: There’s something with cute cats that everybody loves, good to know :smiley: