Max DMs per account?

I’m kind of getting back here and with botting after a long time and I’ve searched but didn’t find something so just so I can be updated: Is it possible to DM with Jarvee? What are the daily limits per account? Are 4g proxies still what I must use for this?

I honestly would be pretty satisfied to send even 10 messages per day per account but I want to avoid wasting a lot of time with blocks and bans so thats why I’m asking you guys.

What I will do: tagging my main account so:
Text and then if you’re interested message @mainaccount

(I want to find affiliates for my business)

I would really appreciate your opinions and info on this!!!

I am not sending more then 3-5 per account

Dming recently got nerfed so hard that I would not even bother about it if I were you .

It is really gotten too hard right now
we used to do 20 daily , now only 5

With aged accounts and good proxies (4G proxies), you can do between10 and 20 DMs per day.

Some of my friend is able to do like 100-200 a day… I am not sure how he does that … either he’s lying to me, otherwise 100-200 per accounts is awesome!

If you are starting new, You can limit your DM’s to 2 DM’s per hour Also, have a daily limit of 20 - 25 DM’s per day. Or much lower, to ensure that you warm up your account. Additionally, make sure that you are using a spin syntax, to make your messages unique and not sending the same messages over and over.

4g proxies are necessary, you should start very slow 5 to 10 Dm a day then you can work your way up to 25 max, and try to use other tools to make the account look natural not just the DM’s

It sounds like a fairytale to me :smiley: Perhaps manually, but even 200 DMs manually, after a couple of days, blocks are inevitable :smiley:

You can do up to 20 DMs daily once the accounts are warmed up

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that’s crazy man :joy: if you can get the how it would be great for every user here and you can make good money if the method works correctly.

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If the account already follows you then you can dm hundreds. If not its way harder.

I’m assuming you aren’t DMing accounts that are following you. If this is the case, do 4-5 a day for a week, then increase to 8-10 the following week. This worked for me. Idk about sending over 20 a day though, even with my warmed account, I don’t send more than that.