[METHOD] How to run up to 20 Instagram accounts on 4g proxy, with shifts

I don’t understand why people do that, We’re all on the SAME boat!
If you share half method just to sell your course… don’t share anything.


Thank you very much for your input @birdman99 and @killerscript
First of all I am not selling any course, I’ve just recommended someone that values his time: http://prntscr.com/vf8agh and if you want to make money online you need to pay money. So, I just want to knock of this from the start.

Second, it’s very cringing to ask for free help, from people that invested hundreds of hours and thousands of $$$ in research in testing and you just want them to give away for free because why not spending all your money to handout the results for free, right? No! Wrong! Nobody is obliged to give you anything, and if you don’t appreciate it when people take from their precious time to give some of their gems, then you don’t deserve even a reply.

Third, this post isn’t about settings, this post about only shifts. I’ve posted it because people didn’t know how to do it and I just want to share it with them even if that cost me too to found out the right settings.

So, I would kindly ask you to start testing and invest and we are not in the SAME boat when some people invest more than others and some just ask for handouts. Get out there, start testing, pour the $$ in, find some solutions and then come post it and then ask for help.
@killerscript - why don’t you test first how many actions YOU can do it using this method, and then ask for help?
@birdman99 - why don’t you test your settings first, and then open your thread and ask for help POSTING your settings?!?

I am not selling courses. I don’t give handouts. People should test before asking for help!

PS This is loser mentality, trying to make suck lame guilt traps for successful people to share their succes with people that didn’t put in the effort


I wanted to pointed this out too. Guys, you should all test things, the perfect “sauce” is the one you’ll find out yourself !


Whoa buddy … pump the brakes.

You posted a method … and you have your clients running on 8 hour shifts yet hitting max actions. It is a normal follow up question to ask how you are doing that. I don’t need help I was asking a question about your method and how you did it as you were the one who willingly gave out the information on how to set it up.

If you didn’t tell me to reach out to @BigJ’s who offers paid coaching then I wouldn’t have even bothered commenting.

Who starts a thread and then when they get asked a question they try to sell them a service?

Maybe I should charge @BigJ for the API filter post I put up on the board to help the board out?

You are a joke my friend.

EDIT - haha it gets better. You are selling proxies too. SMH. Get outta here …


We’re not buddies/friends, and I really think you are mentally challenged! But good luck with asking for handouts!

PS Don’t spam this thread anymore, @Adnan can you please step up?!?. The off-topic is getting out of hands and it not helping anyone which this post was originally intended to do!

Woah woah woah haha. I’m not going to add my 2 cents on this because it is simply getting way out of topic.

I feel like I’ve offered a lot of insight on MP Social, but I don’t want to reveal everything because then it will start affecting my business. If anyone ever needs help I’m just a PM away - especially when it relates to “paid coaching”.

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You suggest you to choose a better way to coop replies you get from other users around the community, since you’ll get much more, some positive and some are less.

When people give you a method, YOU SHOULD test it out by default BEFORE ask for help.
So why you’re instantly going to defence mode instead of asking if I test it already? prehaps you already meet people who wait for a spoon-feed… but it’s not that healthy to let those people influence how you look at me or others :slight_smile:

Again, how did you come to conclusion WITHOUT EVEN ASKING US that we didn’t test it out?
Oh and before I’ll forget… share half method = handout :).

Think whatever you think “user”(since you’re not a buddy/friend).
You posted this thread to help people and you had to be ready for questions.
If you thought you will only get “wow man thanks a lot” you’re just wrong and make yourself a hard time to deal with other replies.
Maybe I didn’t say that, but I thank you for your sharing, BUT I’m not sorry for the things I said since there’s nothing wrong with me, same thing with @birdman99 that you literally tagged Adnan to deal with this stupid situation… by calling an in-topic an off-topic… Don’t you have something better to do.
You’re running some cool businesses as I can see, I don’t care about that and I actually hope you’ll bank hard with them, but it doesn’t mean it’s ok to do half work.

You can still give some light, since now you know that we both tested your method, and still looking for redirections :slight_smile:
Have a good one!

In the end of the day, you’re right.
You literally don’t have to help us… BUT when you’re creating a sharing your methods and ideas then… it’s kind of “requested”… and in the end of the day - as a business man by myself - if your proxy business is important to you, pay attention how you react to replies on other thread except yours :).

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No, it’s nothing requested to do anything. I stay by my affirmations that both of your are handouts seekers. GTFO, really, GTFO from this thread and don’t buy any service from me ever. I am very happy that I don’t have to deal with this shitty drama with my clients.

GOLDEN RULE: whenever you offer something for free, there will be stupid haters along the way!

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Yeah, you’re probably right, but at the end of the day… at least my parents thought me right:
Never raise your voice, raise your argument. and it includes your floor-touching words, pretty sad for a business owner.
But hey… good luck with your services! never heard about them anyway :wink: :+1:t2:

where did you get your proxy from?

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Check my profile

You mind sharing what the Dimitri method is?

What limits are you running to have your accounts hit max actions in just 8 hours? follow+unfollow+like?
and your proxy rotate every?

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Can you do more then 20 account with 1x proxy?

most of the time it will cause issues. Although there are some cites(never seen them be sold) where 4g can have 30-40 slaves before there are issues(as long as you don’t get banned a lot). I haven’t tried bulking my area but 6 sims are working fine for my area with 30-40 slaves.

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In theory, yes. A mobile proxy that rotates every 5 minutes has 12 x 24 = 288 time slots, so enough for 288 accounts. You can also easily use 2 accounts at the same time, so you end up with 576 accounts.

Not that it helps you much, 5 minutes is not enough to follow a lot, unfollow, etc. But everything depends on what you do with the accounts.

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Thanks for your quick reply. I just came to this realization. A rotation of for example 5 minutes, will give the accounts less room to do actions, but will higher the count of accounts you could use.

Basically the intervals (and of course the amount of proxies you have available), will dictate how many accounts you could use safely or broken down to 1 account per proxy, the total amount of possible accounts, to rephrase this in rather absolute fashion.

*While we’re already at it. Are scrapers still a must even when using 4G proxies? If so I’d appreciate if you would let me know if I could also implement at least 1x scraper within the main accounts using only 1x proxy (if even possible).

But do you take in consideration that I would keep those accounts working different time scales (basically like in the example above from the publisher of this thread)?

if you time it right it should work well but a lot of areas the proxies are in are abused a lot so it’s a little bit more strict.

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I see what you mean. Do you know if you still need scrapers when using 4G proxies?