More followers from targeted countries

Jarvee only has the Follow by Geolocation source.

For Unfollow, you can extract your followers first via Scape Tools, then to scrape additional user details (this will make the scrape time longer) and use the filter ‘exclude users from specific countries’, but this will only skip users whose bio,cityname,address, or business country has that country you specified. What I mean is there could still be users from a country you want to unfollow users from but they do not specify that country on their IG data.

Then once you got the followers list without the users from that country you specified, you can put that list on the Unfollow > Use whitelist so JV will skip unfollowing them.

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There is no option to unfollow based on location on Jarvee.

Thank you so much. But i actually didn’t followed them. I just want to remove followers not unfollowing them because I didn’t followed them.
Does Jarvee has this option? Thanks

If you just want to remove your followers, you can use the Block Followers tool, then set it to remove the follower instead of blocking them. You can also check out The Instagram Block Followers Tool - Jarvee for more details.

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