Mother/slave specialist

Hard time to call someone a specialist :joy:


I am the guy who does it manually, there is no secret, there is no special way. I have absolute shit made accounts do better than the one carefully created. my advice, go to a bunch of different places, phone stores, apple, best buy, your parents house, friends house and create 5 accounts per device. immediately follow the max 230 people and let each account rest for 4 days, then try it again. some will get deleted, some will pass, some will need pva and still pass, some will not get deleted but get blocked. keep doing this until you weed out all of the shit accounts and have the ones you desire, manually is the best method in my experience. you will need a burner for pva, you will need multiple device and ghost app for vpn, you can actually do 100 accs on one cell phone but you will get pva per account, per login. I follow 230 per day one time and leave it. this is what has worked most for me


I’m totally new on this, I grew up my personal account manually to 20k in a couple months, after the update I decided to pay someone to run M/S for me and I was scammed. So I decided to do it by myself, even if all that I know is from reading this forum. I tried Jarvee (but I know it’s going to take me time to learn how to properly use it) so I decided to buy a cheap phone and create slave accounts and do follow/unfollow manually. My idea was to buy 1 phone per 5 accounts (even doing that it’s cheaper than paying someone, and cheaper if I count the amount of money paid to fake account managers) . Do you have any advice for me, anything is going to be valuable, since I just stared this Instagram thing a couple months ago

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doing M/S manually seems very time consuming :flushed:

I’m doing M/S for about 260 childs. Dont expect it to be cheap since it’s very time consuming, so many factors in to place wether it will convert, blocks that happen, …

Even if you had 100 childs the conversion could still suck cause your business is not properly set up. With actions being devided by 3x at least (if you’d have no blocks), commenting that’s pretty much unusable at this point due to shadowbans aswell, … M/s has become more of a profession than it was before.

So yeah, either have a big budget or have a lot of time (and with that i mean you’d need 48hrs a day instead of 24) to start it up…

Although @Drav Drav might be exaggerating a little, it has come to a point where i could almost charge extra just for my medical costs due to mental issues from IG’s fuckery. Also, as I’ve been reading, Drav has been in the blue for a bit so that’s also rare itself.


If doing manually failure is not a option for me. Manually with now 40 slaves is a job in itself .
With that said it’s not work to me it’s a passion of reaching goals and achievement.


how many slave children accounts😅 can I use per 1 phone?Ty for your wisdom sir

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