MPSocial Marketplace closed permanently?

I’ve been messaging the admins for over a month now to enquire about opening a new sales thread - to no avail.

Does anyone know when the Marketplace will allow new sales threads? @Adnan is completely unresponsive…

Is anyone else in the same situation?

I think they said they closed it cause it was too much work to organize or something

Closed it as in closed permanently?

Last I remember hearing about it, is that they were pausing new threads until further notice to clean some of it up.

I’d also like to know about this too! I’ve seen new threads come and go, but last time I asked I received a response saying the same thing as the OP

I also send multiple messages to @Adnan about opening a new sales thread but never received any response for 3 weeks so far…

Daniel said in the API emulation thread that they closed it permanently because it’s too much work to moderate it. I also need to get 2 sales thread up.

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@Adnan replied to me that is closed till further notice:
Also @MojoJojo closed a selling thread recently but he didn’t specify anything about a permanent closure of the marketplace.

Let’s just wait

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Let’s wait for now.
Administrators must now focus full attention on the system and update to do everything right for you and make you happy.
So they can’t focus their attention on 2 things, and the marketplace took a lot of time.


There is no official status for the Marketplace, other than “closed for now”.

I’m closing new threads as the process has been such until they get reviewed by @Adnan himself.

I have no more information on that topic.


These guys do not make money like other mods and it’s become increasingly time consuming. TBH I’d rather all time be dedicated to the product that assists me with making money.


then they should follow BHW selling system, get to lvl2 > buy VIP (yearly payment) > pay for BST fee ($30 - $50)


I see your point, but I personally would rather all hands on deck to get the real reason we are all on here working :slight_smile:


i agree with you

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Strongly agree. The number one thing I’m paying for is the software… everything else is auxiliary

Totally agree with you as this will help get things faster. Also i believe creating a marketplace thread can be left for level 2 but there shouldn’t be any need for the customers to be level 2 as well. This will just restrict the sales.