Musician looking for affordable Social media promotion

I’ve been looking for months for a promoter who’s able to help me within my budget .
I need advice on promoting music on IG, Tik Tok and Linked in. (Pop/Funk music)
I will also be running paid promotion on the side but I really need a social media expert to handle some of the social media.
(someone who has a portfolio of other successful campaigns)’
I have around 100$ budget per month for social media (+150 $ on paid FB/IG ads).

My goal is to get real fans and bring back organic following for an account that has lost a lot of followers, reach and ranks (13,5k followers , only 50 story views WTF!) It feels like I’m shadow banned or my reach has drastically fell after inactivity ( went from 2k likes on posts to not even 100) … I wanted to setup Jarvee and do the M/S method myself but I dont have a spare computer to do so, for now. Is anybody can help? I want to find a long time promoting partner. Thank you!

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For that monthly budget, the only thing you can prolly do is to purchase a Jarvee and a VPS license and run your accounts there.

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I was thinking the same thing @Jaha