My instagram account growing fast and high engagement.How to make profits?

hello everyone.
i have an instagram account that has 10.5k followers and its growing fast +600 followers daily it also has very high engagement.And i was wondering how to make profit from it ?
I have signed up on some influencer platforms but no answer .
What do you guys suggest me to do to get some earnings from it ?

these are till yesterday stats

Create an info product for free. Then add paid course inside the info product for a discounted price. Then upsell them into whatever your niche is.

what is an info product .
can you explain me more

my niche is sports.
the account is dedicated to a football player

Here you go

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How do you grow your account so fast?

I think it’s hard to monetize an account about another famous person. But I could be wrong.

I dont think that i can make money with this method on my account