My Theory on What is Really Going On

@mozem :100:

If I owned Instagram I would request an equity stake and full disclosure from every piece of automation software on the market as a prerequisite to staying active, so why wouldn’t they do the same, right?

I found it very interesting that they so easily shut down lesser services such as Instavast and Fanharvest, but have left an app like Jarvee on the market for so long. Then again
 Instazood and Instavast even existing eliminate any posibility of the ‘humanity’ of it all being the determining factor in those decisions.

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Without doubt instagram did turn their back on automation for a long time. They wanted the community to grow and reach the size that it has today. It’s like owning a CafĂ©. You may start of offering cheaper food or even free to begin with. You want people to recognize your products, but once your business is big enough, you can’t really rely on people bringing there own discount drinks to your CafĂ©. This is what happens when people do automation or buy fake followers and likes. Personally I do not believe that instagram really cares if spammers (people using automation) stay or go. They didn’t when exactly the same thing on FB either.
IG and facebook is all about business and money. Today IG has grown huge. And now that the calf is a cow, they wanna milk it.

As far as I know, people have been aware of automation and buying fake followers and the term ghostfollowers for a long time many. They might have been disappointed realizing that a lot of their followers weren’t genuinely interested in them, but the urge of the “normal instagrammer” wanting to have a bite of the cake didn’t stop them from continuing.
The result today is the huge amount of influencers and online personal trainers we see on IG. Hey some even just used fake followers and likes to create a name for themselves and they succeeded. Atleast from nobody to that funny guy on IG.
I wouldn’t believe these people were disappointed, cause they knew from the beginning that their entire credibility was and still is based in lies. What still drives them is a psycological aspect of being being satesfied and believing that they look famous, even though knowing that 90 procent of the engagement on their profiles are fake and is paid for.

This conclusion of yours is on point. IG will only make it harder. And this might be the beginning only. But as you say, They want quality content. And also if this scares of 90% of the people using automation of some sort, let it be.

With all this said, I still do not believe that automation on IG is over. It will just not be like before as we were used to. But indeed possible.

And really what matters to bigger companies like FB who has extremely strong financial background, is looking for competitors buying them, scaling and optimizing business to bring them more income and move on to the next one on the market.

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It also makes sense to me.
By the end, they did not turn off automation (commenting, likes, watching stories, F / U), I think they want to show us that we would do it with our heads.
In addition, they also target “porn” and “spam” accounts
If they would like to set the limits for the majority of shares and the case, you can do it manually or by the bot for the majority of the action.
As I write above, or they want us to do it with their head and aim mainly at those people who do “porn” or “spam.”
We will see how it will continue, so far for months, there are errors on the IG.
You can see that they are trying to enter something and are constantly testing new things.
Only we can observe, test, wait, fight.

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All theories are probably right

  • eliminating spam and making network more secure
  • force people/businesses to buy their ads
  • elections 2020

They announced api changes long ago, so this is not suprise we all knew these days are coming

This is interesting article to read (paragraph: What Instagram’s API Changes Mean For You)


You’re definitely onto something here, Micky.

I have spent many a hard earned dollar on Facebook ads and received what are, frankly, obviously fake likes and web visits. The sad part is that most people can’t tell the difference.

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The biggest source of fake views, likes, engagement comes from FB Audience Network. Take ads off that. I only run ads on FB News Feed and IG Feed.


Nice article thanks

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This is a really good point as well.


Interesting theory! I agree with you!

The best thing we can do is to adapt to the changes or botting another social network (linkedin or PInterest, for example), where the limits are not so hard.

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bots use private API so that doesnt have any connection with automation, instagram detects bots with a machine learning

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My business is about to expand into LinkedIn management. Its limitations are quite frankly a joke compared to Instagram’s. Pinterest is a goldmine waiting to happen if Jarvee adds more features in a similar vein to IG and LinkedIn.


I think that’s smart to be diversifying. Not getting away from IG, but also adding new streams of revenue so you don’t have all your eggs in one basket.

I started in the SEO and PPC game, then added YouTube, then expanded to Twitter, then Facebook, then got into IG. I still do all of them to some extent based on my own projects and needs from the clients.

The point is that my experience and skills in digital marketing are not just focused on one platform. It gives a lot of flexibility in the types of businesses you can build, and services you can offer clients.


Sounds like you know what you’re doing, @goodtimes! I’ve always maintained that diversifying into sectors which will always be around is the way to go. Although being an aspiring young entrepreneur is exciting and risky, it’s reckless to count on any venture as a sure thing. SM automation is a very lucrative industry, but it’s also a fickle one. SEO and PPC would be the next step up the safety ladder. No reason not to do both. Furthermore, doing what you’re doing opens up the door to a more wholistic approach, which will be the most effective and profitable both for you and anyone on the receiving end.

I would probably say CPA is more likely an even bigger culprit
and incredibly poor made slaves would be a close second.


Oh God. Thanks for the good laugh.

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This is 100% the case congress is discussing regulating Facebook like they would a utility so Facebook needs to show that they are combatting this. I wouldn’t be surprised to learn that election meddling has been done to some degree through the use of Jarvee.

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It is very much possible. But there’s a lot more meddling involved just in news feeds, social media “algorithms” for content feeds and good old fashion vote suppressing. But it very well could just be paying lip service to appease higher powers until they can go back to the status quo

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Pinterest is a gold mine waiting to happen.
Whats “waiting to happen” means getting people from IG who are our targets to move there. But they will be stricter soon as they became public now, but not soon enough.

Having 20,000,000 impressions and 40,000 clicks a month, I have yet to monetise on that as IG is my main focused.

Twitter has become lesser strict now. A year ago I could barely handle 20 accounts, now I have 200 Twitter accounts.

But both makes the software really slow.


I highly doubt IG users will move to pinterest. My ig experience as a user has not been affected, only my business. Why would i move?

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If Pinteret continues to develop, it will be surprising how people move. Like how people move from IG to TikTok.

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