Nano-Influencer Campaigns from Uni Students

Interesting concept I ran into lately, I haven’t tested it because I have no need to.

Essentially you pay for a shoutout package and they promote your content across a network of university nano-influencers with 1-10K followers. The cool thing is that most of the influencers followers would likely be friends with them and so there would be a lot of trust there if you were promoting an online product or running an e-com store. I doubt it would be an efficient way to orchestrate growth campaigns though.

As far as I can tell they’re all UK based university influencers.


I can’t understand though what are the Nano influencers gaining ?

0.01 € of the shoutout payment ? :face_with_monocle:

Anyway, I find this clever, why not…

There’s power when you put yourself in front of million of students, if that’s really the number.

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I believe UniTaskr owns an app where uni students can earn a bit of extra cash, similar to the Amazon micro job website but you get paid more and you have to be a student. I don’t imagine they get paid much, maybe £1-5 per post or something along those lines?

I doubt students with 1-10K are doing posts for £1-5… any source on these numbers?

Just guesses. That’s what I reckon though considering the fact that their shout-out packages are pretty cheap relative to the amount of uni students that’ll give you a shoutout.