I have a client’s Twitter account. Is Jarvee still the way to go? Can someone help me grow it so it doesn’t get banned?
yes, you can use Jarvee to grow Twitter accounts just make sure to start with low settings you can even use Jarvee default settings as a starter and see how it goes.
I really don’t want to grt his account banned. It’s already happened to me once.
i think jarvee twitter is much more stable , but twitter accounts need much longer warmup period if they detect you are automating they will shadow ban your account . and your reach will drop immediately , other people wont even be able to find your account in search bar so make sure you are going slow at start , i just do likes on twitter in large numbers
Yes as ZTR said, make sure to warm up the account really good 10-15 days should be enough Jarvee has multiple tools that you can use (screenshot below)