Need simple Imacros script

Heyo , as i have never used imacros in my life , and now I just need a simple script-
-read line from txt file
-click button
-insert text
-click button

It should be preety easy for anyone with a little knowledge with imacros, and i don’t think i should mess around with people on fiverr, so maybe anyone could help me out on this one? Thanks :thinking:

I think i can help with that. What is the site your trying use with it?

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Thanks mate, i already made it , i need this to import products from aliexpress with oberlo , for some reason there is no bulk import :thinking:


it will be cool if you will post here the sampe code that you said you found already :slight_smile:

Don’t forget to rewrite the titles. Aliexpress product (name) titles are very bad.

Like this ; Summer Spring 2016 New Fashion Adult baseball Cap Cotton Caps Women Youth Letter Solid Cap Women Pink Hats Snapback Women Caps

  • btw, you can find someone on Fiverr to do that. I payyed 50$ for someone from India who rewrite 4.500 products title/description/add tags/ add categ.
    It was a nice deal😂

@killerscript I have actually found out that upload by Id works (yet by url it doesn’t :? )
so I did it with zenno not imacros , and yeah @MPrules before pushing each product i regex it to clean such crap with something like this -

Yeah i’m pretty bad with regex too :alien: