Need some help here (Just starting... )

Hi everyone,
I’m reading for a long time now about this CPA / affiliate offers and promoting them on mass IG accounts and I started with 2 accounts but I want to grow fast and want to do it right.
Where I can find some good guide /mentor?
I searched on the forum but a lot of peoples saying different things.
My skype : smclof
Thank you for your help

Hi @Sagi_Machluf most of the users here spent months to figure out the best methods for them scrolling and reading the whole forum, all the replies. You can’t just open the forum and find out the golden tip that will work for you without any issues and problems. IG marketing, especially CPA is all about testing, crying and finding the solutions. You definitely need to spend some time to read a lot of information. Check the most recent topics to find the freshest information and start trying, never give up! :muscle:


Thanks man, appreciate it!

Just like any other science, Instagram Automation has uncountable realms to master. The way I started as finding/recognizing a proven automated system that worked for 5 of my competitors and I tried to dublicate it.

Every time I was stuck in a problem I was looking for a related solution here or on youtube. As far as I know there isn’t any updated automation course for CPA and those that there were good are really outdated now.

Instagram changes reaally fast and you need to know that most of the tutorials older than 2-3 m/o, are already outdated. For interacting settings to proxies or DMing; everything has changed drammatically over the last 9 months.

Don’t try to find a general outdated course, start with learning the basics about your automation software and try to fix any problems as they come along.

My most important advice would be to keep in mind that Instagram is really freaking good on finding patterns. That’s why scalling is hard. Start with a small number of accounts (if you are trying to optimize/scale a “CPA tactic” 3 accounts are enough for a begginer).

!Differenciate all your accounts as much as you can!
!Know that an aged account can perform 10X better than a new account!