Need to get to 10k genuine followers asap

Hi guys, been off the radar since J crashed an burned but wondering which service you would reccomend to get to 10k for a brand new account asap…need real followers in the online fitness niche…thanks guys

What is J? You mean Jarvee? Jarvee is still working and many of us are using it still for our accounts. There is no way to get this number of real followers fast :smiley: unless you will buy them, which will not be real followers and which is not recommended in general.


Ditto if it was that simple we all be ahead big time😂 I used Jarvee for my IG for a while, takes time and resources…so I past that on to someone to manage for me. Still using Jarvee for rest of my social media accounts tho so definitely working.

You should definitely have a look at M/C results, than get be pretty big if you scale it up with many accounts (hundreds or thousands of real followers / day). You can also get the same “amount” of followers with shout outs, in the span of a few hours. To sum it up, if you got some money to invest, you can get what you paid for, no matter the strategy you’re gonna use :slight_smile:

For low / average budget, I would recommend doing F/U from the main account + invest the rest on 1 of the strategies that are scalable. You can’t only rely on F/U if you really want them “ASAP”, as you’ll be at 10k+ after 1 year of automation.

Mother/child method on a larger scale or mass dm is your best bet.

Thanks for all the replies much appreciated. Has anyone tried Socialmeep ? Is that M/Child method or does anyone know ?

Thank you all

I think the best, the cheapest and the most effective method is F/U and Mother/Child method. Everything else is either much more expensive or not that effective.

After a quick look, It looks like follow/unfollow to me.

It’s possible… as @denis1 said F/UF + M/S.

Put out a WTB for real followers from a M/S supplier. There are few, not many… with really large M/S networks that can get that done for you. Not sure how much they would charge, but it’s definitely possible.

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How fast is fast? And how much are you willing to spend?

Pretty sure @heroeslair knows a fair chunk in the fitness niche, and @Alexnvo has proven you can grow using targeted shoutouts from a large network ridiculously fast.


Thanks guys Im on to them now in the DMs appreciate the help!

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one of the best softwares that you can use to get your 10k is JV, you just need to have the best settings and the safest ones, the mother/child method is working fine, you can contact JV support and they will send you the last articles about that.


Agreed with Luca, this is probably the best and the cheapest way.